Sequencing pyramids & Histories for Young People
Inspired by the 6 Elements of Social Justice by Bree Picower, these sequencing triangles offer a possible way to sequence concepts around race and colonialism.
Language Resources
The working dictionary and sentence frames offer ideas about what language could sound like with young children. Five Senses and Praxis resources are focused on theory about what to include and what to leave out, as well as how to come back to revise and revisit conversations.
Skin Color Map and Values Map
Indigenous people skin color map is a very helpful visual to use when talking about melanin and ancestry. The Values Map can help create intentionality in planning.
Resources to support talking about colonization
Native Land “is a tool that maps out Indigenous territories, treaties, and languages”*. Consider supporting your engagement with the map with The Land You Live On, an education guide created by Native Land.
Project 562 is a project to “help develop a body of imagery and cultural representations of Native Peoples to counteract the relentlessly insipid, one-dimensional stereotypes circulating in mainstream media, historical textbooks and the culture industry.” **
*language from The Land You Live On page 4.
**quote from Yukio Lippit, Professor of History of Art and Architecture at Harvard University.
Nonviolent Communication Resources
Feelings and needs inventories are central aspects of using nonviolent communication as a foundational element of liberation curriculum in the classroom.
Below are websites with wonderful resources and examples of talking about race with kids.